Wednesday, August 1, 2012


As the summer starts to wind down, I wanted to write about where Touch of Math is headed in the next few weeks. As of now, I plan to stop working on the project at the end of the summer, when school starts up again. That means I have until then to implement all the features that I want to have done as well as leave the project in a stable and developer-friendly (relatively) state so that it can be used without my maintenance. Of course, I will gladly help anyone who wants to pick up and work on the project to do so, as Touch of Math will not have reached its full potential by the end of the summer.

Anyway I have to get back to work, it turns out these things don't create/fix themselves


1 comment:

  1. The word "enrichment" is almost exclusively used in the context of provision for the mathematically most able, with a few notable exceptions such as Wallace (1986). The implication taken from this general lack of clarity, is that the concepts are tightly bound and therefore difficult to separate. how to master math
