School officially started about a week ago, which means Touch of Math is back in full swing. We have a new member, Zach, who will help out on the front end of things. Our goal is to use MathJax to render our equations. We plan to add a ton of new gestures too, including those for one-sided manipulations (distribution, association, logarithms?, etc).
On the back end side of things, we're looking a a totally new data structure. Currently in use is an n-ary tree that replaces our original binary tree. This removes a lot of the problems we were having with subtraction and division, as well as allows easier use for operations that aren't binary.
Also, we've been putting significant time into a lot of the suggestions that were given to us over last semester. Most notably, look for a history/undo feature, and custom features later on. We've already got more math than just +,-,*,/, and we plan to add higher mathematical operations still.
That's really all for now, we're looking forward to another great semester of development. Our newest code is here, and our original can be found here.
Thanks again!